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36 weeks…and a little late….

Sorry this is so late, it’s been so boring around here with nothing to do, we just completely forgot! I can’t believe that nothing has been going on, and it’s been like that, day after day after day. Huh…you’d think that having a baby would be craziness all the time. Well…now you know better huh?

Ok…so a slight exacturation. Things have been busy with gatherings, gifts, and g..g..getting ready? We’re ready! Diane (Annie’s Mom) visited last weekend along with Frank (Her Dad). She brought curtains for the room, that look spectacular, and brought the “poofy-liner-thing” that lines the cradle. Frank and Jeremy went golfing. Frank got a “birdie” and a “par” or two…Jeremy got a couple of “pars”…overall wasn’t a bad game.

So here we are…Thursday afternoon. We’re coming up on 37 weeks, with a Doctor’s appointment tonight to find out if things are moving into place and by how much! Annie’s in slight pain every now and then, and her feet…well…those of you who have ever been pregnant, don’t need anything further. Those who have never been pregnant…just wait!
Anyways…we’ll be sharing more after our Doctor’s appointment tonight, because we’ll actually know something new. So feel free to check back.

Also! This will probably be the place that we upload a couple of the lil’ one’s pictures for those of you “off site”. Oh…and sorry, but at this point we’re limiting visiting to just immediate family. See…there’s this door that once opened will allow gobs and gobs of loved ones and friends, and since we’ll only be at the hospital, like a day or two (hopefully), that’s a lot of visiting. So, we’ll make sure to catch all of you in person for some quality time with the new one.

That’s all for now. To keep you up to date, if you haven’t seen Annie, lately…here’s what she looks like!

Nice bellybutton!

Well, that’s all for now, we’ll try and get something up here in the next day or so, and update you on tonight’s Doctor visit.

Thanks for reading!

Jeremy & Annie

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. Heather & Ross
    September 28, 2008 at 7:07 pm

    How did the doctor’s appointment go?!?!? I don’t think Jeremy will be getting his way with a September birthday. 🙂

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